新闻 22 March 2024


  • 近五分之二(38%)的可持续发展决策者承认不清楚他们需要报告什么,近一半(46%)的决策者现在报告至少三个不同的环境、社会和治理框架,因为他们对立法迷宫感到困惑
  • 超过四分之一(28%)的人表示,如果法律变得更加严格,他们不确定自己是否有能力遵守;五分之三(60%)的人担心,如果他们的报告被发现不充分,他们的声誉和公司财务都会受到影响
  • Just 13% believe the current approach to reporting works, 然而,大多数人不赞成转向针对特定行业的报告框架,也不赞成转向统一的英国和欧盟标准

A new survey from Mitie, 英国领先的设施管理和改造公司,帮助组织减少建筑环境的碳排放, has found that UK organisations are feeling overwhelmed by the strain of sustainability reporting, 在他们处理错综复杂的新旧报告立法时,立法的懈怠正在上升. 与此同时,环境、社会和治理报告授权数量的增加,以及政策制定者对净零目标的完全透明度的期望也在增加, investors and customers in the UK and Europe.

调查发现,超过一半(55%)的英国可持续发展决策者认为,目前的可持续发展报告要求过于复杂, and two fifths (38%) admitted that this means they are not clear on what they should be reporting on. 近一半(46%)的受访者报告了三个或更多不同的环境、社会和治理框架,而对于专业澳博官方网站等受到严格监管的行业,这一数字上升到多达八个框架, financial services, 医疗保健, and 科技nology.

政府标准,如碳减排计划(CRP)和节能机会计划(ESOS)被认为是报告最多的框架(分别占受访者的29%和24%)。. Emerging standards established outside of the UK closely followed, 近五分之一(17%)的受访者表示,他们计划向最近推出的国际可持续发展标准委员会(ISSB)和欧盟的企业可持续发展尽职调查指令(CSDDD)报告。.

Greenwashing fears and financial failure are top reporting anxieties

许多可持续发展的领导者都对如果一个组织的报告被认为不够充分会发生什么表示担忧. Three fifths (60%) of decision makers are concerned that their reputation would be impacted, 五分之一(20%)的人表示,面对“洗绿”指控的前景让他们夜不能寐. 另外五分之三(59%)的人还担心不充分的报告可能对公司财务造成影响,包括面临罚款, falling profits and potential loss of shareholders.

A vote of no confidence in the current approach to reporting

As this pressure builds, just 13% of respondents said they believe the current approach to reporting works. Yet when asked, 大多数人(58%)认为解决方案不在于采用一种国际报告框架,大多数人也不赞成任何一种针对特定部门的框架, a UK-wide standard or a UK and EU-wide standard with just 13%, 15% and 11% respectively in favour of each.

Despite the complexities associated with reporting, 近五分之二(34%)的受访者仍然承认,遵守新的环境、社会和治理法规对其可持续发展战略产生了积极影响.

Regulation is expected to get stricter regardless of General Election outcome

组织预计,无论即将到来的大选结果如何,英国的环境、社会和治理法规将变得更加严格,近一半(46%)的组织表示监管机构将采取更严格的措施, including the 政府, are the stakeholders most likely to scrutinise their data ahead of their investors, shareholders, customers or prospects, 非政府组织, and the public. With many already experiencing legislation lethargy, 超过四分之一(28%)的受访者表示,如果立法变得更加严格,他们不确定自己是否有能力赶上最后期限并遵守规定.

Catherine Wheatley, Head of Data Science and Energy Services, Mitie said:

“近年来,报告要求加强了,立法迷宫将继续存在. For sustainability leaders this means grappling with multiple reporting frameworks, stricter multi-jurisdictional regulation, 以及期望看到减排目标及其在公共领域取得进展的利益相关者的密切关注.”

“The upside is that from the work that goes into meeting stringent reporting requirements, we can gain a wealth of actionable knowledge that can supercharge a sustainability strategy. 不可否认的是, 当有大型数据集需要分析,但随着工具的出现,可以自动吸收时,这可能会令人生畏, absorb and analyse vast amounts of data, paired with the right people who ask the right questions, we can reverse legislation lethargy. With the right partners on board, 报告是一个机会,使组织能够做出更好的决策,并提高其可持续发展战略的透明度.”

Earlier this month Mitie launched its new managed carbon reporting and reduction service, ‘Emissions Intelligence’, 与Salesforce合作,使组织对其排放报告更有信心,并提高其效率, as well as increase the transparency of their progress towards net zero goals. Mitie在建筑环境脱碳方面的丰富经验为该澳博官方网站提供了特色, as has feedback from sustainability decision makers on their specific reporting challenges. As an experienced decarbonisation partner, Mitie already works with a range of household names including Lloyds Banking Group, 沃达丰(Vodafone), and Royal Mail.



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